Love Me Anyway

Love me anyway she muttered feeling angry and hurt

Her heart, once again, feeling ground in the dirt.

Her sound was lost in her brains monkey chatter

Confirming her notions that she did not matter.


For some odd reason, she said it again,

louder this time, while looking within.

In that moment, she realized

she was telling her soul

I am enough, I can love myself,

Wouldn’t that would be bold.


A bit taller she stood, and her mind seemed to clear

So, she said it again, feeling much less fear.

Love me anyway, I am who I am

And her brain monkeys quieted and cut her some slack.

So, she decided to look ahead at a future so bright

And quit looking back

At what she thought was not right.


From that moment on, she began to blossom and grow

To start loving the things she did not know.

And the world was brighter as she grew into herself

And she learned to love those chattering monkeys

but she kept them on a shelf